Discovering unsightly mold or mildew on the walls of your home can be shocking. And although you might be tempted to search for a quick fix, simply painting over top of the mold or mildew is a waste of your time and resources. Even if you hire a team of professional painters, they will be unable to complete the job before the area is properly cleaned. Painting the affected area will cover the mold temporarily, but it won’t eliminate it entirely. As the mold continues to grow just beneath the paint it will eventually bubble back to the surface–leaving you right where you started. So, how do you deal with the root of the problem? Let’s find out.

Black spots of toxic mold and fungus bacteria growing on a white

What Happens When You Paint Over Mold

We know that painting over mold is a bad idea, as it’s a waste of resources and can potentially be dangerous for your health. Even mold-resistant paint and primers are not suitable, as these are designed to prevent mold, not treat it. When paint is used to cover mold the following will likely happen:

  • A few weeks after painting the paint will bubble and begin chipping off.

  • The mold will seep through the paint and become visible again.

  • The mold (now out of sight and mind) will worsen and cause health issues for you or your pets.

Identifying Mold And Mildew In Your Home

Mold and mildew thrive in dark, damp environments such as your garage, attic, or basement. You might also find mold around your shower, on the window sills, and under your carpet. To identify moldy areas within your home, keep your eyes open for the following signs:

  • Water damaged areas

  • Warping in the walls, ceiling, or floors

  • Concentrated dark spots (usually black, blue, or green)

  • Bad smells

  • Trouble breathing at home

  • Mildew forming on your clothing or carpet

How To Remove Mold and Mildew Before Painting

Once you’ve identified the moldy area, it’s time to start cleaning. Small amounts of mold can usually be handled with a simple spray mold killer or fungicidal. In some cases, bleach or white vinegar will also do the trick. Larger moldy areas may require professional cleaning to prevent illness and stop the mold from returning. Look for professional cleaners with mold experience who know how to safely handle air-born spores. In extreme cases, you might be looking at replacing drywall or flooring as well.

Leave It To The Professionals At Encore Painting

DIY paint jobs may be tempting. However, to safely avoid any potential issues such as hidden mold, it’s best to work with a professional painter. At Encore Painting, our dedicated team will work with you to ensure your home is fully prepped for paint so that we can offer you the best results possible. Since 2008, Encore Painting has been proudly serving the GTA offering top-quality painting services to residents just like you. From colour consulting to design tips and more, Encore Painting is here for all of your home and commercial painting needs. Reach out today and get a free quote on your next project.