How to Create a Beautiful, Long-Lasting Finish for Your Home’s Exterior

There’s a reason why aluminum siding was such a popular choice for so many builders and homeowners for so long: it’s durable, affordable and long-lasting. What’s not to love about that? But, your house has aluminum siding, you might be getting to the point where you don’t love the colour of it so much anymore. If things are looking a little outdated, your Toronto residential exterior painting service can help you achieve a brand new look for your home that can last for years, making it a very cost-effective option. There are some essential things to keep in mind, however, to make sure things are done right so you can enjoy the results for many seasons to come.

Can You Paint Aluminum Siding

Prepping Aluminum Siding for Exterior Painting

The first thing that any professional painting contractor will tell you is that like with most surfaces, your aluminum siding needs to be cleaned before it is painted. A thorough wash will ensure that the primer and paint adhere properly and last longer. It is possible to use a power washer on aluminum so that is a great, fast option for cleaning things up before anything is applied. After that, it’s all about the primer. If paint ever does peel, the culprit is almost always poor preparation, so this is an important step to get right. For proper paint adhesion, house painters know that they need to use a primer that is specifically formulated to work on a surface like aluminum.

Work with a Professional Exterior Painting Service

Now that you’ve got the right base to work with, it’s important that you are working with the right paint. At Encore Painting, we only use high quality paints designed for longevity of your home’s exterior. And, much like when working with vinyl, we know that when painting over aluminium that the tint added to your paint needs to be one specifically formulated to work with that kind of material. Then, it’s all about application. For siding, paint can be brushed, rolled or sprayed on, but we prefer to spray for the best possible finish.

The Best Time of Year for Exterior Painting

Another factor to consider when painting your home with aluminum siding, like most exterior work is the time of year and time of day. Of course, it’s best to paint in warmer, drier conditions with not too much humidity. But you’ll also want to avoid having your aluminum siding painted in direct sunlight, as it will speed the dry time up and the paint will be left with a heavy texture because it doesn’t have time to flatten itself out. Given that, painting earlier or later in the day or sticking to the shade when the sun’s rays are most intense is the best plan.

Hiring a Professional Exterior Painting Service in Toronto

A fresh coat of paint can be the update your aluminum siding needs to make your home look contemporary and to enjoy the many benefits of aluminum siding for years. Plus, it’s a more affordable option than replacing your siding entirely. As your trusted Toronto exterior painters, Encore Painting would love to provide you with a free inspection and detailed proposal. Contact us today to find out more.