Painting your home is a great way to give it a fresh, new look without having to go through the expense and hassle of a full-on renovation. But, without the proper training, tools, and experience, it’s all too easy to end up with a poor final product. From not preparing the surface properly to choosing the wrong paint–these common missteps can have costly consequences down the line. Luckily, you can avoid errors altogether when you work with a professional and affordable GTA home painter. So let’s discuss a few common painting mistakes and how Encore Painting can help remedy them.

5 Most Common Painting Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

Failing to Prepare Your Surface

When starting any home painting project, the first and most important step is to properly prepare the surface. This includes cleaning dirt, dust, and grease from the area that needs to be painted. You may also need to:

  • Remove old paint

  • Fill cracks and holes with a suitable filler product

  • Sand down any patched holes or cracks

  • Use painter’s tape on outlets, trim work, and ceiling

  • Move/cover furniture

  • Apply an appropriate primer

Failing to properly prepare for painting almost always results in a sloppy finished product.

Not Using Drop Cloths

We get it, taking the time to cover your floors, counters, and furniture with drop cloths feels like a tedious process. But, without these protective cloths, getting paint splatter on your couch or kitchen counter is practically inevitable. When you choose to work with a professional, you won’t need to worry about buying these cloths or laying them out, as your painter should have all the necessary supplies on hand.

Choosing the Wrong Paint

Another mistake people often make when painting their homes is choosing the wrong type of paint. Low-quality paints may be cheaper, but they tend to have less durability and are more likely to chip or peel faster than higher-quality alternatives. Additionally, you’ll need to choose the correct finish for each room—which can be tough if you’re inexperienced. Luckily, working with a professional painter means you will receive expert advice on everything from colour choice to the best paint finish and more. Additionally, professional painters will typically have access to the best quality paints, ensuring you get dazzling results every single time.

Using Low-Quality Tools

In terms of brushes and rollers, selecting quality tools can have a significant impact on the outcome of your painting job. Brushes with natural bristles tend to hold more paint which means they are ideal for corners where precision is important. On the other hand, synthetic bristle brushes provide smoother applications when working on larger surfaces such as ceilings or walls. As far as roller covers go, different fabrics produce varying results–so it’s vital to select one that is best suited for the type of surface being painted.

Handling the Painting Process Poorly

Even if you’re only painting one room in your home, the painting process is a workout. This is especially true if you’re tackling the project alone. Because of this, you’ll likely be tempted to only apply one coat of paint–resulting in a spotty job that you’re not quite happy with. Another mistake new painters make during the painting process is overloading the brush or roller. Adding too much paint to these tools will result in excess paint splatter and an uneven, drippy finished product. Other painting process mistakes include:

  • Applying paint in all different directions

  • Painting walls, ceiling, and trim in the wrong order

  • Not waiting for the paint to dry between coats

When you’re looking for a high-quality paint job, working with a professional is the best and easiest way to avoid these common painting mistakes. At Encore Painting, we have the tools and know-how to get the job done right the first time. Whether you’re dreaming of painting your home’s interior or exterior, fill out our form today and get a free quote for your next project.